Kokonbini - Cocoa's Convenience Store!


So i dont really like most social media services nowadays so im gonna go back to my roots and make a personal blog here instead. Mostly for longer posts and getting my thoughts across and stuff like that. I'll probably stick to places like twitter and tumblr for my shorter posts and interactions and whatnot but maybe I'll make a discord server???

Hell, if I'm gonna keep to the theme of having a more retro style of thing, I may aswell have an IRC channel aswell lol. But neither of those are here yet.

Anyway, I'll also try to post links to my youtube videos here aswell for the hell of it but I also might mirror them onto someother site aswell...

Well, if want to you can add the main page to your RSS feed (if you still have one of those) or you can follow me on twitter

Built in GNU nano 7.2, hosted on neocities.org