The weekly update - December 7th, 2023
So I've had a lot more free time to work on this site for the time being. This is because I successfully fulfilled one of the things on my to-do list: leaving my job! Turns out a lack of complacency in the kitchen is a thing worth having your job threatened over. Like sure, I think the food (THERE) is pigslop, but the least it can be is edible.
ANYWAY, Game Awards are tonight, I might end up livetweeting during it but I'll probably be running a bit slow on that end since I'll also be in a call (maybe). Hoping there'll be something there that makes me squeal this year (maybe KHIV??? Yeah, fat chance). It's all well and good tho.
So, the life update. The next step is getting a new job. Having the sign onto social welfare only 2 weeks after I FINALLY ditched it will be a drag but whatever, I dont exactly plan on staying on the dole for long. Gives me more time to draw and actually learn some fighting games like I said I would. +R goes pretty hard but my decades old saturn controller finally died on me and I already had it on life support so RIP sweet prince. Good opportunity to get me that wireless neogeo cd pad tho, once I get my funds and HRT sorted that is. That too, definitely gonna have to go DIY because finding a local therapist that actually takes being trans seriously is nigh impossible, to the point where some healthcare peeps I spoke to recommended DIY anyway. Less than ideal, not totally safe but it's not like theres a lack of resources anyway, so I don't see why I couldn't.
I also need to start drawing more, but my tablet is jank so I need to get a new one. I've had Wacom Bamboo CTL460 I bought for osu! back in like 2016 pre-owned but it's on its way out now (;-;).
That's pretty much it for this week. The homepage should be updated soon enough if I didn't get lazy lmfao. The linktree is retired from here is now no longer indicative of the platforms I use. Please take a look.
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